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Mario Buatta : Fifty Years of American Interior Decoration (0847840727)

The eagerly anticipated first monograph to celebrate the fifty-years-and-counting career of decorating legend Mario Buatta. Influenced by the understated elegance of Colefax and Fowler and the doyenne of exuberant American decor, Sister Parish, Buatta reinvented the English Country House style stateside for clients such as Henry Ford II, Barbara Walters, Malcolm Forbes, and Mariah Carey, and for Blair House, the President's guest quarters. The designer is acclaimed for his sumptuous rooms that layer fine antiques, confectionary curtains, and sublime colorations, creating an atmosphere of lived-in opulence. This lavishly illustrated survey-filled with images taken for the foremost shelter magazines as well as many unpublished photographs from the designer's own archive-closely follows Buatta's highly documented career from his professional start in the 1950s working for department store B. Altman & Co. and Elisabeth Draper, Inc. to his most recent projects, which inclu...

Controlling im Mittelstand : Leitfaden für die Implementierung eines ganzheitlichen Controlling-Konzepts für mittelständische Industrie und Handelsunternehmen in Krisensituationen (3639307712)

In den rauen Zeiten der globalen Wirtschaftskrise sind gerade finanzschwächere Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand besonders krisengefährdet. Während Sanierungsberatungen momentan über kaum Kapazitäten für weitere Aufträge verfügen, kämpfen zur gleichen Zeit so viele mittelständische Unternehmen ums Überleben wie nie zuvor. Demzufolge rechnen Branchenexperten bis zum Jahresende mit einer deutlichen Zunahme an Firmeninsolvenzen, von denen vor allem der Mittelstand betroffen ist – was drastische Auswirkungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben wird, stellen die kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen (KMUs) doch den Hauptarbeitgeber in Deutschland dar. Verfügt ein Unternehmen über ein ganzheitliches Controlling-Konzept, dann wird einerseits die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Krisenresistenz erhöht, andererseits die Möglichkeit geschaffen, den Unternehmenswert zu steigern. Um Wirtschaftskrisen erfolgreich zu meistern, müssen in der gegenwärtig anzutreffenden Umwelt Früherkennungsmerkmale lokalisiert und vom Top-Management wahrgenommen werden. Hierfür stellt ein funktionierendes Controlling-System ab einer gewissen Unternehmensgröße die notwendige Voraussetzung dar.

Product details

  • Paperback | 152 pages
  • 150 x 220 x 9mm | 245g
  • German
  • Aufl.
  • 9783639307719

Download Controlling im Mittelstand : Leitfaden für die Implementierung eines ganzheitlichen Controlling-Konzepts für mittelständische Industrie und Handelsunternehmen in Krisensituationen (3639307712).pdf, available at for free.



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Participatory design is about the direct involvement of people in the co-design of the technologies they use. Its central concern is how collaborative design processes can be driven by the participation of the people affected by the technology designed. Embracing a diverse collection of principles and practices aimed at making technologies, tools, environments, businesses, and social institutions more responsive to human needs, the International Handbook of Participatory Design is a state-of-the-art reference handbook for the subject. The Handbook brings together a multidisciplinary and international group of highly recognized and experienced experts to present an authoritative overview of the field and its history and discuss contributions and challenges of the pivotal issues in participatory design, including heritage, ethics, ethnography, methods, tools and techniques and community involvement. The book also highlights three large-scale case studies which show how participatory desi...

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'The men of culture are the true apostles of equality.' Matthew Arnold's famous series of essays, which were first published in book form under the title Culture and Anarchy in 1869, debate important questions about the nature of culture and society that are as relevant now as they have ever been. Arnold seeks to find out 'what culture really is, what good it can do, what is our own special need of it' in an age of rapid social change and increasing mechanization. He contrasts culture, 'the study of perfection', with anarchy, the mood of unrest and uncertainty that pervaded mid-Victorian England. How can individuals be educated, not indoctrinated, and what is the role of the state in disseminating 'sweetness and light'? This edition reproduces the original book version and enables readers to appreciate its immediate historical context as well as the reasons for its continued importance today, in the face of the challenges of multi-culturalis...

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